Välkommen kära bloggare, skapare, kreatör! Detta är mitt lilla bo där jag delar med mig av mina alster, och en och annan tanke som dyker upp :) Att just Du är här betyder att Du antagligen är lika fast i denna kreativ värld och delar den glädje man känner för att få släppa allt annat och bara ge sig hän till skapandet!
Jag har alltid varit en kreativ liten själ. Som liten flicka lekte jag konstnär vid skrivbordet och tog emot "folks" beställningar, men när jag blev äldre var det istället rummet som hade hösta prioritet. Som stor flicka har jag inte slutat leka varken med papper, färger eller min lägenhet. Det är bara resultatet som är annat :)
Jag scrappar lite då och då, även om det är kortskapandet som tar min mesta tid när jag sitter i mitt kreativa hörn (som numera är ett helt rum!). Ibland flyter det på och jag kan skapa alster efter alster, medan det finns dagar då jag mer eller mindre sitter och stirrar i timmar och inte åstadkommer ett dugg. Men det är väl så det är i en kreativ process ;)
Welcome fellow blogger and creator! This is my little nest where I share my creations, and sometimes thoughts that passes by :) Having You here probably means that You are as hooked in this creative world and shares the joy of be able to do what You want the most: create!
I've always been a creative soul. As a little girl I use to imagine that I was an painter, drawing beautiful art for people. When I grew older I was instead 100% focused on my room. Now, being a big girl I haven't stopped playing with papers, colors or my appartment. It's just how it turns out that's different :)
I do some scrapbooking every now and then, but it's the cardmaking that takes up most of my time. Some days I can make project after project, while others I just stare out into the blue, acomplishing nothing. But I guess that's how it is ;)
* * *
Som ett litet tack till alla er som hittat hit vill jag erbjuda lite godis. Allt detta mumsiga kan bli Ditt! Reglerna? Lätt, allt du behöver göra är att lämna ditt namn hos den blå grodan. Och vill du tycker om vad du ser och vill följa min resa eller bara lämna lite kärlek i en kommentar så bli jag väldigt glad ♥ Du har fram till den 17 februari, då jag via Random.org drar en vinnare. Alla som har en aktiv blogg har en chans att vinna, vart du än bor! Lycka till!
As an appreciation of all you coming here I have some candy. All this yummy stuff can be Yours! The rules? Easy, all you have to do is leave your name with the blue froggy. And if you want to follow me through my crafting journey or just leave some love in a comment I'd be very happy ♥ You have until February 17th, then I will pick a winner through Random.org. This blog candy is open to every active bloggers worldwide! Good luck!

Imaginisce Snag'em Stamp - Fairest of them All Tree
12 white flowers, different sizes
12 small flowers in three colors
12 leaves in 5 sizes
1 bouquet of white flowers
4,5 meter of 5 different ribbons
Puss å kram
Leave your info with the froggy!
(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
Lovely work on your blog!!
SvaraRaderaSomeone, somewhere is going to be very happy with this beautiful give-away... I can only dream it's me!!
I'm enjoying this OWOH trip around the world, thanks!!
Greetings from Belgium,
Saskia :)
Myran~thanks so much for popping over! Your blog is beautiful..
SvaraRaderaSo please count me in on this magic carpet ride!
What a great giveaway full of goodies! I love the flowers and ribbon!!! jinglesells at gmail dot com
SvaraRaderaHello from Germany. It's nice to meet you. Your door prize is great. Thanks for entering me in your contest. Please visit my Blog too. I'm #116 on the flying wings
SvaraRaderaGreat give away
SvaraRaderaLove this kind of thing! Add me!
SvaraRaderaIn love with your blog...wonderful giveaway!
SvaraRaderaI would love for you to come to mine and follow too...love new followers but most of all I love new friends!
Lovely to meet you!!
SvaraRaderaYour giveaway is gorgeous and generous, would love to win!
Hugs from bonny Scotland.
PS if you have a mo, please come and visit my giveaway too:o)
I was really worth stopping by your blog, your work is very beautiful! Even though I'm into decoupage, I would completely make use of your giveaway goodies! Count me in and stop by my blog also!
Lovely blog and lovely blog candy - thanks for the chance to win! It's great to find new bloggers and creative minds :)
SvaraRaderaThank you for being apart of the OWOH journey!
Thank you for taking the time to offer this lovely gift and thank you for the oppertunity to win!
SvaraRaderaA wonderful blog! And, thanks so much for the English translation. This is me jumping up an down in Alabama...pick me, pick me! Happy OWOH! When you have a moment, come visit with me...and I'll be back here again too!
G'Day from Brisbane! I signed the linky. Just wanted to also say, "G'Day!"
homemakerhoney@ gmail .com
My OWOH giveaway:
Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. What a great selection of goodies. I'd have fun making things with it all. Thanks for your generosity and participation in the event. Count me in please.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com
Wow! Such a fabulous blog! I've enjoyed taking a look around and getting to know you a bit.
Greetings from Fresno, California :-)
SvaraRaderaPlease enter me in your drawing for your lovely give-away gift.
~Cheryl over @ Artsy Fartsy
Count me in for your OWOH Door Prize Please! This is my first time participating in this great event! So Many Creative Bloggers Out Here! creationsbytee@gmail.com
SvaraRaderaCute Blog! By the way I'm pleased to meet you (I'm Shelle from Sunshine Coast Australia) If you have time I'd love you to come on over check out my giveaways & comment at my OWOH post too :) One World One Heart... It's exhausting BUT SO MUCH FUN!!!!
Hallo, nice to meet you
SvaraRaderaThank you for giving us the chance to win your great doorprice.
This is beyond beautiful.
Please count me in.
Come visit me on my blog,I join the OWOH- event too.
Regards from Germany and happy OWOH
What lovely things! I can imagine using them in my crafting!
SvaraRaderaI am interested in card making and decorating boxes - but sadly found out about OWOH too late to participate.
I have two blogs - come & see me sometime
Flying in from One World One Heart! :)
SvaraRaderaNice to meet you! I so admire cardmakers as cards are something I am just not good at! lol Thanks for having me here today!
You're welcome to visit my OWOH post anytime!
Happy Blog Discovery!
Very sweet! Love your work, your blog and your eye candy! Happy 5th OWOH!
SvaraRaderaVery cute and nice design to your work. I would be pleased to be included in the drawing. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments
SvaraRaderaxoxo Kim
Ooooh I love eye candy! Please count me in. Hugs Naomi
SvaraRaderaHii what a great blog! I love the stamp you have up for grabs. Please do count me in and enjoy OWOH! x
SvaraRaderawhat a lovely gift you put together, i'm frogging my info in a minute ♡
SvaraRaderathis is my return visit, thanks for entering my OWOH giveaway♡
Dymphie (OWOH#160)
It's so nice to meet you. Thank you for your sweet comment on my OWOH posting. I have a thing for the tree of life and your stamp and goodies would be so fun to play with. Thank you for a chance to win.
Flying in from One World One Heart!
SvaraRaderaSo nice to meet you,and now I follow you too -
beautiful gift, hope to win.
Hälsningar från Finland;-))m
leikkaan AT gmail.com
How special! I would love to win! Thank you! Please come by to visit me, too! ♥ http://lavenderdreamstoo.blogspot.com/
SvaraRaderaHi Myran, so lovely to meet you! Please add my name for your giveaway, I would so love to win all of those wonderful goodies:-)
SvaraRaderaMake sure you come by and enter my own giveaway if you haven't done so already!!
Hugs, PEA from Canada xox
Thank you to add me in. Should I win, my blog address is
my mail:
Your blog candy is wonderful!
SvaraRaderaThank you for participating in the OWOH event. Please pop by my blog, #51, if you get a chance.
hugs from ON, Canada
Hi, thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Your door prize looks like so much fun to use my imagination. I to use to scrapbook, but polymer clay has stolen my heart these days...but I miss scrapbooking...so maybe if I win, I'll just get motivated again.
SvaraRaderaBright blessings,
Wonderful goodies you are giving away! I'd love to win :) Please enter my name into your draw! And pop over to my blog and enter mine, too, if you haven't done so already!
SvaraRaderaGreetings from Germany,
Dagmar #88
Hello! Your door prize is wonderful!
SvaraRaderaI’d love to be a lucky winner!
Oxana from Moldova
fancyscrap at gmail.com
It's so much fun to visit all different blogs and get to 'know' people from all over the world! So glad you played along with OWOH too - and make me discover your blog! I'm a former scrapbooker that turned into an art journaler... I love your giveaway and left my info with the froggie! Have fun with this event! Love from the Netherlands, Marit (#501)
SvaraRaderaOh, those flowers and ribbons have me ready for spring now!
SvaraRaderaI hope you'll drop by both of my giveaways (at Twigs and Tulle and Kindergarten's 3 R's: I'm giving away a mini bunting and some pattern blocks) during this awesome blogging event! Happy OWOH!
You have a lovely blog! I'm also participating in OWOH #502...
SvaraRaderajeg er fra Danmark, og fandt din blog spændende.
din door prize er dejlig- og ville være en fantastisk ting at vinde. :)
Jeg håber du vil besøge mig, og min OWOH POST.
Mange hilsener, Dorthe
Great blog and lovely giveaway
SvaraRaderaGreetings from Vienna/Austria
Beautiful work!
Roligt att hitta en svenska till här!
SvaraRaderaHoppas att du har det lika trevligt som jag på denna flygtur jorden runt! Det är så inpirerande att se allt fint som folk skapar och den positiva energi alla delar med sig av!
Kram Sussie
wonderful gifties, would love to win! please forgive me but I did a linky and didn't mean to.
SvaraRaderaplease visit Thistle Cove Farm when you've time.
Such inspiration! Lovely in every way. Thank you for the chance. ; )
Oh my, what delicious candy you're giving away! I'm signing up to follow. Thanks so much for visiting me and commenting on my OWOH post, Michelle.
SvaraRaderaoh what fun goodies!! please throw my name in the hat!! r'chelle
SvaraRaderaHello from the Philippines, Lisa! Nice to meet you! I'd be thrilled to win the flowers, ribbon and stamp to decorate my scrapbook pages. Do come by and see if you'd like to win my prize! Patsy.paterno (at) gmail.com from
I so know what you mean - sometimes you can't get it all out fast enough and sometimes you wonder where that pesky MOJO fairy dissapeared off to :)
SvaraRaderaThanks for stopping by my OWOH post :) This is my first year too - wish I had discovered it sooner!
OWOH #365
Hi Myran,
SvaraRaderaGreetings from a fellow blogger / crafter in the UK.
I enjoyed my visit here, love your work and it's nice meeting you. You put together a wonderful give-away!
Thank you for being part of this happy event and for visiting me.
Lovely,sweet giveaway!!!! Thank you for stopping by my blog too!
SvaraRaderaI would love to win your candy. I didn't add all the info with the frog. Not sure if that disqualifies me or not. Couldn't get it to work the first time, so just gave up. I'm # 11, and would love to have you stop by if you haven't already.
SvaraRaderahi there, nicve to find you here, perhaps you visit me too? Best whishes from janine from germany
SvaraRaderathank you so much for the chance to win. Come to visit me if you have some time
Lots of goodies to create with! Please enter me--thanks :)
Please add me into the drawing.
My blog, Not much YET!
Greetings from Cody, Wyoming! Isn't event this fun? I enjoyed looking at your blog, and I will be back to browse some more when the event is over! Please enter me in your drawing.
SvaraRaderaIf you have a moment stop by and enter my giveaways too.
# 385 http://stampgram.blogspot.com
# 132 http://papertraders-art.blogspot.com/search/label/Home
How very very pretty!
SvaraRaderaHope you can join in my goodie giveaways as well! :)
calejbitsvyk at gmail dot com
calej d'art
What a delightful giveaway!
SvaraRaderaWould love to have my name included!
Caryl #270
what a great prize. many thanks for offering it!
SvaraRaderaLovely to meet you, your prize looks great!
SvaraRaderaI hope you'll stop by and see my giveaways too on my blog.
Sherry from England, UK
Nice to meet you. Lovely items you are giving away!
SvaraRaderaHello from June in England, its lovely to meet you. Your blog is really lovely.
SvaraRaderathanks for the chance to win your lovely door prize and for giving us the opportunity to get to know you and your art
hugs June
Hello Lisa,
SvaraRaderaThat's a fun prize.
Thank you for visiting my blog.
Greetings from Massachusetts. Your giveaway is wonderful.
SvaraRaderaBlessings in the journey, Rebecca #393
Hi and greetings from Australia, I would love to be included in the draw for your lovely goodies. I am also an avid cardmaker and could put these gifts to good use.
SvaraRaderaPlease come by and visit be at #9 and say hello.
Such a lovely blog and a fun giveaway. Please enter me and thank you!
SvaraRaderai would love to win these craft materials so that i can use them instead of staring out into the blue, LOL! Thanks so much for the chance to win! I hope you can come to visit me at http://peggyapl.blogspot.com/ and join my giveaway. Happy OWOH travels!
SvaraRaderavery springy giveaway!
I can really use some flowers and leaves to add to my art! (and I love the stamp too :)
SvaraRaderaPlease enter me into your draw -- thank you so much!
~martha (#384)
Hello and so glad to meet you. Happy OWOH. Would love to be part of your wonderful giveaway. Please stop by during your journey through blogland.
SvaraRaderaWishes and Whimsy
Wendy from Wonderland
Thanks for a nice present. Nice blog. Loredana
SvaraRaderaLovely beauties. Love to participate :D
SvaraRaderaHi from the US! Wonderful giveaway! Please include me :)
SvaraRaderaHi Lisa,
SvaraRaderaThanks so much for visiting and leaving that lovely comment..I love your blog, you are so talented :)
Again thanks for dropping by, hope you will visit again :)
Lynn x #744 on the OWOH list
just want to say hello and thanks for your visit to my OWOH
SvaraRaderahope you are enjoying your day
a lovely group of supplies from a creative soul. Please add me to your giveaway and come over and visit me. I am No. 229 on the list.
SvaraRaderaoh, I would love to win your scrappy supplies! Happy Owoh!
SvaraRaderaI'm having a great time reading all the OWOH posts, too! So nice to meet you and see your wonderful cards. Thank you for your visit to my blog, too! Please include my name in the drawing :)
SvaraRaderaHappy Creating!
Indiana, USA
So nice to meet you. Love your giveaway! Count me in and would love for you to visit me at #597
SvaraRaderaThanks for visiting my blog and inviting me over. Would love a chance to win your prize.
Hello You have a lovely Blog ,Very nice giveaway!! Please come see mine,
SvaraRaderaMy giveaway is a ooak bunting baby doll
Hugs Belinda
great giveaway:) I can be reached at beenebag(at)yahoo(dot)com
SvaraRaderaI'm #149
take care
Hi Lisa I am so glad to stop by here on this OWOH flight.
SvaraRaderaThank you for your wonderful blog and your generous offer, if you get a chance on your journey come by my place and spend a moment of you precious time with me.
awesome giveaway- I am having so much fun checking out everyone's blogs! Thanks for the chance to win
SvaraRaderaHi Myran, and hello to you from Australia! Thank you for sharing your wonderful goodies as your OWOH doorprize - I'd so love to win ....what fun! love your blog, and I'll be visiting again soon to view more of your amazing creativity ... it was wonderful to meet you! I hope you will visit me, I am OWOH 248!
SvaraRaderathank you for offering such wonderful elements as your OWOH gift!
SvaraRaderai'm enjoying looking around in your blog. it's wonderful to meet you through one world one heart 2011!
i am participating for the first time this year and feel honored to have the opportunity to play along with so many creative people!
i hope you will have a chance to stop by my blog, as well!
joe in montana
Hej Lisa,
SvaraRaderaGreat scrapbooking items -- tack for offering them! :)
From the Florida Gulf Coast
SvaraRaderaI am entering for my daughter Melanie, she had wanted to participate in this year's event, but a fire changed her plans... I thought I would surprise her and do this for her..
Visit the site I set up for her on my blog #579.. and enter her name in the contest, thank You
Beautiful! ~Cassie angelandspot{at}yahoo{dot}com
SvaraRaderaHi Lisa
SvaraRaderaFunny how you meet great friend through bloggin hey? Thank you for a chance to win some fabulous candy. I'm also a follower, I had a peep through your blogs and Wow!!
Hugs from Ireland
...great give-a-way... thanks for the opportunity
Wow! wonderful candy! I already included my link in the blue froggy..thanks so much!
SvaraRaderaHere's my OWOH post..please click here.. :)
laetriciajaniel (at) gmail ( dot) com
Hi Lisa, I would love to win your package of art supplies. How sweet! Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.
Greetings from Philly, PA, USA! Fantastic giveaway! Count me in.
SvaraRaderaI am a watercolor artist and photographer looking forward to meeting a new friend. If you haven’t visited me yet, please visit my new blog anytime (#864) http://barbararosenzweig.blogspot.com/.
I hope to come back later to take more time checking out your blog.
A beautiful giveaway, thanks a lot. Miriam#781
SvaraRaderathanks for a chance to win some lovely flowers and ribbons - i have placed your candy on my blog over at http://annescardchallenges.blogspot.com/
SvaraRaderaWhat a lovely place you have here! Thank you so much for the chance to win your awesome giveaway!
SvaraRaderaOutrageous joy,
Kathy #655 on OWOH tour
SvaraRaderaGreetings from Pleasanton, California
Please enter me in your lovely giveaway
Thank You
Blessings ♥ tere
Emailwhimsy at yahoo
Hello from California! My mom, Maj, is from Falun in Dalarna. I wish she had taught us Swedish but I can only say "I love you" and "I'm going to the bank"! Lovely giveaway.
SvaraRaderaSharon Maj #86
A Fanciful Life
what a wonderful giveaway.
SvaraRaderachocolate and croissants at yahoo com
please stop by.
How pretty! Count me in please! #269
SvaraRaderaDeep OWOH!!! So I can discover the other creative blogs as yours for example..
SvaraRaderaI am Manola ( 376 ) and here is my blog..
Http: // bellelavie.canalblog.com/
Good luck...
Greetings from southern California. Love your amazing giveaway. Please add me to your hat. I'm flying in during the final hours of OWOH. Thank you and cheers!http://sewingthroughthemuck.blogspot.com/
SvaraRaderaGreetings from Ipswich, MA USA
SvaraRaderaI'm glad to meet you.
I'm a jewelry artist of sorts, a watercolor painter, an upcycler, and an over all creative adventurer! I'm #509
I'd be honored for you to follow my blog!
Please enter me into the OWOH give away. I hope you can visit my blog, too. I'm giving away a shabby chic denim necklace. Come chat any time.
email: Lamore225@gmail.com
Hugs¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Linda L *
Yes, please add me to your beautiful give away !
#206 - OWOH